Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
Paranormal stuff: is it a cultural thing? Rant ahead
by Whynot inparanormal stuff is common where my family is from it's almost expected.
native american background, my great grandmother was a witch doctor a damn good one too, my non witness relatives dabble in it.
so i have seen stuff and experienced stuff.
What Can A Member Of The Governing Body Get Disfellowshipped For?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini don't think any member of the elite gb can be disfellowshipped while in the office, i think they need to be removed first from being part of the elite ruling class ceos and then latter be df'd if the need be.
i'm of this opinion from what happened to raymond franz, chitty, and greeenlees.. ray, was not df'd for apostacy while on the gb, he was first removed from office given a $10,000 severance package and booted out of bethel, latter he was seen eating with a member that left the clutches of the organization to which the wt corporation put into effect that eating a meal with a df'd or disassociated member is in itself a df'n offence.. i think the watchtower will be very reluctant to df any former gb member because they can do so much damage if they go public like ray franz did..
Brokeback Watchtower
No just the pedo's, now your being ridiculous,, to make a point?
What Can A Member Of The Governing Body Get Disfellowshipped For?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini don't think any member of the elite gb can be disfellowshipped while in the office, i think they need to be removed first from being part of the elite ruling class ceos and then latter be df'd if the need be.
i'm of this opinion from what happened to raymond franz, chitty, and greeenlees.. ray, was not df'd for apostacy while on the gb, he was first removed from office given a $10,000 severance package and booted out of bethel, latter he was seen eating with a member that left the clutches of the organization to which the wt corporation put into effect that eating a meal with a df'd or disassociated member is in itself a df'n offence.. i think the watchtower will be very reluctant to df any former gb member because they can do so much damage if they go public like ray franz did..
Brokeback Watchtower
That's definitely one more reason.
What Can A Member Of The Governing Body Get Disfellowshipped For?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini don't think any member of the elite gb can be disfellowshipped while in the office, i think they need to be removed first from being part of the elite ruling class ceos and then latter be df'd if the need be.
i'm of this opinion from what happened to raymond franz, chitty, and greeenlees.. ray, was not df'd for apostacy while on the gb, he was first removed from office given a $10,000 severance package and booted out of bethel, latter he was seen eating with a member that left the clutches of the organization to which the wt corporation put into effect that eating a meal with a df'd or disassociated member is in itself a df'n offence.. i think the watchtower will be very reluctant to df any former gb member because they can do so much damage if they go public like ray franz did..
Brokeback Watchtower
To much face to save.
Maybe that's why they hide the paedo list...?
Thanks what I'm thinking and as far as I know, it might be "Independent Thinking" which is not allowed in Jehovah land.
What Can A Member Of The Governing Body Get Disfellowshipped For?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini don't think any member of the elite gb can be disfellowshipped while in the office, i think they need to be removed first from being part of the elite ruling class ceos and then latter be df'd if the need be.
i'm of this opinion from what happened to raymond franz, chitty, and greeenlees.. ray, was not df'd for apostacy while on the gb, he was first removed from office given a $10,000 severance package and booted out of bethel, latter he was seen eating with a member that left the clutches of the organization to which the wt corporation put into effect that eating a meal with a df'd or disassociated member is in itself a df'n offence.. i think the watchtower will be very reluctant to df any former gb member because they can do so much damage if they go public like ray franz did..
Brokeback Watchtower
To much face to save.
Maybe that's why they hide the paedo list...?
That's what I'm thinking and as far as I know, it might be "Independent Thinking" which is not allowed in Jehovah land. What ever the reason you know it's to save their asses perhaps even a criminal investigation. -
Paranormal stuff: is it a cultural thing? Rant ahead
by Whynot inparanormal stuff is common where my family is from it's almost expected.
native american background, my great grandmother was a witch doctor a damn good one too, my non witness relatives dabble in it.
so i have seen stuff and experienced stuff.
Brokeback Watchtower
To drop shunning would mean no longer being authoritaians, the whole structure would crumble because they have reached a point of no return they must stay the course till they go belly up.
Social criticisms[edit]
Authoritarianism and denial of free speech[edit]
Doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses are established by the Governing Body,[148][149] and the denomination does not tolerate dissent over doctrines and practices.[4][150][151] Members who openly disagree with the movement's teachings are expelled and shunned.[152] Witness publications strongly discourage followers from questioning doctrine and counsel received from the Governing Body, reasoning that it is to be trusted as part of "God's organization".[151][153][154][155] They also warn members to "avoid independent thinking", claiming such thinking "was introduced by Satan the Devil"[156][157] and would "cause division".[158] Those who openly disagree with official teachings are condemned as "apostates" who are "mentally diseased".[159][160][161]
Former Governing Body member Raymond Franz has accused the movement's Governing Body of resenting, deprecating and seeking to silence alternative viewpoints within the organization[162] and demanding organizational conformity that overrides personal conscience.[163] He claimed the Watch Tower Society confirmed its position when, in a 1954 court case in Scotland, Watch Tower Society legal counsel Hayden C. Covington said of Jehovah's Witnesses: "We must have unity ... unity at all costs".[164] He also stated that Witnesses are subject to a disciplinary system that encourages informants.[165][166]
What Can A Member Of The Governing Body Get Disfellowshipped For?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini don't think any member of the elite gb can be disfellowshipped while in the office, i think they need to be removed first from being part of the elite ruling class ceos and then latter be df'd if the need be.
i'm of this opinion from what happened to raymond franz, chitty, and greeenlees.. ray, was not df'd for apostacy while on the gb, he was first removed from office given a $10,000 severance package and booted out of bethel, latter he was seen eating with a member that left the clutches of the organization to which the wt corporation put into effect that eating a meal with a df'd or disassociated member is in itself a df'n offence.. i think the watchtower will be very reluctant to df any former gb member because they can do so much damage if they go public like ray franz did..
Brokeback Watchtower
I don't think any member of the elite GB can be disfellowshipped while in the office, I think they need to be removed first from being part of the elite ruling class CEOs and then latter be DF'd if the need be. I'm of this opinion from what happened to Raymond Franz, Chitty, and Greeenlees.
Ray, was not DF'd for apostacy while on the GB, he was first removed from office given a $10,000 severance package and booted out of Bethel, latter he was seen eating with a member that left the clutches of the organization to which the WT corporation put into effect that eating a meal with a df'd or disassociated member is in itself a df'n offence.
I think the Watchtower will be very reluctant to DF any former GB member because they can do so much damage if they go public like Ray Franz did.
Brokeback Watchtower
There would be a mass exodus in time. As soon as they lift the shunning rule from off the backs of their members and people could voice negative comments about the organization and it's Governing Body without the fear of shunning the ranks would begin a major shrinking.
That is why they will keep the pressure up and probably never give up this tool to keep people in ignorance till they go belly up dead as a corporation.
Could The Governing Body Harboring Pedophiles In High Positions Among Them?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini'm sure most are familiar with the greenlee's story floating around the internet.
so what if some members of the governing body have been accused of molesting a child and used the 2 witness rule to silence a accusation?
so could it be that because some high up watchtower corporation person/persons has clung to the rule because it save's his corporate ass.
Brokeback Watchtower
While I'm not saying that one or two members of the Governing Body are pedophile/s. I'm saying to be a member of the Governing Body you have to be a very good straight faced liar, be it in deep denial, or compartmentalization, or just straight faced cover your corporate ass liar.
They are calling on all the faithful to believe only them, with the threats of disfellowshipping for repeating/voicing/believing anything negative about the GB or the corporation. No independent thinking allowed, trust only us, means they are hiding facts from the faithful and will keep doing so until the courts force them to come clean, and even then it will be done very begrudgingly.
I think I can make a case for them being huge liars and wolves in sheep's clothing who would if the need arises use the 2 witness rule to keep moving up the corporate ladder.
David Splane speaks to 600 congregations in Portugal about Pedophile cover ups starts at 1minute:
After it aired, however, David Splane, a member of the Witnesses’ Governing Body, spoke to 600 congregations from the religion’s Portuguese headquarters in Carnaxide, according to TVI, the station that aired the documentary. Splane’s talk provided a window into how Jehovah’s Witnesses leaders are handling the scrutiny.
“Now, sometimes, the brothers will call New York and say, ‘Why don’t you do something about this? This was a terrible program,’ ” said Splane, who was visiting from global headquarters in Brooklyn. “What do you want us to do? The journalist has a closed mind. The journalist isn’t interested in the truth. And so we usually just leave things as they are and let the story die.”
The documentary, “In the Shadow of Sin,” was based on the Witnesses’ own internal documents.
“Slanderous, negative remarks that people were making about Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Jehovah’s Witnesses weren’t there to defend themselves,” Splane said.
Ana Leal, the journalist who reported the story, said she sent numerous emails to the Witnesses and went to the organization’s Portuguese headquarters asking for their participation before the documentary aired. After Splane’s remarks in November, Leal went back and tried again.
In a follow-up report, Leal said the Witnesses let her through the gates of their compound, only to tell her, “We have nothing to add.”